Cottage Grove Lions Football

Home of the Wild Bunch

Band App: Join our "CG Football 2024" group for JV and Varsity parents. CLICK HERE to get updates and stay connected.

Remind App: There is a Remind group called "CG Lions Football Family" for players, parents, and families. We will send weekly schedule reminders. If you are interested in joining, CLICK HERE. You can also text "@cglionsfb" to 81010.

For more information, please contact: Garrett Bridgens, Athletic Director, Cottage Grove High School

Phone: 541-942-3391  Email: 

July 27th - August 2nd, 2025: OSAA Moratorium "Dead" Week. This is a great time to plan family vacations. No contact is allowed between administrators/coaches and students involved in any OSAA-sanctioned sport or activity. In addition, there shall be no high school athletic facility usage by athletic staff and students/teams during this week. See OSAA Handbook for more information.